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I'm hoping that someone can help me here as this is driving me bonkers.

I've created a diagram in one document and now want to copy it across on to a template that my company has.

When I do this the text changes from Size 10 to Size 2 and the shapes appear tiny on the screen. I can't get to the bottom of it but it's taking up a lot of time to resize realign etc when I have already done the work.

Is the there a setting that I am missing that is causing this madness?

Hello John

Thanks for posting in the Community!

The issue you are experiencing may be caused by presets saved in the template on which you are pasting your content. However it is difficult to confirm without taking a look at the document. For this reason I would recommend that you file a support ticket so that our Support Team can look into the matter and assist.

Please make sure to include:

* The URL to your document

* The name of the template

* A screenshot of the issue

Thank you!
