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Hey all,

It seems the version of mermaid that is getting used has an old bug in the mermaid renderer that causes attributes in classes to not get rendered if they’re in a namespace and there’s associations. The mermaid GitHub issue and PR here has details on simple ways to reproduce it. I’m guessing this may be due to using an older version of mermaid than when this was fixed? Seems it was fixed as of mermaid version 10.2.4.

Hi @psanchez_everhealth,

Thank you for reporting this! We’ll look into getting this updated.

Hi @psanchez_everhealth,

Thank you for reporting this! We’ll look into getting this updated.

Can you at least update the documentation for the Mermaid feature to include which version is bundled within Lucid? It is frustrating to use features that are available in the main release but will break when copied into Lucid

Hi @psanchez_everhealth,

Thank you for reporting this! We’ll look into getting this updated.

Can you at least update the documentation for the Mermaid feature to include which version is bundled within Lucid? It is frustrating to use features that are available in the main release but will break when copied into Lucid

That’s a pretty good idea. You should probably submit it as another suggestion, not sure if they’re tracking this conversation anymore.

@GaryZ and ​@psanchez_everhealth ,

Apologies for the delay in communication. The version of mermaid compatible with this feature has been added to this Lucid Help Center page under the FAQ section.

At the time of this posting, the current version is 10.2.3

