I'm managing an organization of less than 100 users in a non-Premium account. I was trying to use the API to ease onboarding and manage folders and group structures and stumbled upon a roadblock.
I created an App Integration with scopes: readonly+offline_access+account.user and was able to query the API successfully. For selective calls such as list-folder-user-collaborators: https://developer.lucid.co/rest-api/v1/#list-folder-user-collaborators the API calls fail with a 403.
code: 'userOperationOnly'
message: 'Only users can perform this operation'
requestId: '866a9e8bfe19e3c0'
I'm not sure how to get a user token and I have the following questions.
1. How do I get / generate a User Token? Are "team-admins" allowed to generate this token or is the "account-owner" the only one allowed to do so?
2. Is this accessible without a Premium Account?
Thank you.