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Hi, I am working on integration and have some questions related to the use cases we are looking for. I want to have clarity about Lucid’s APIs before purchasing any plans. I contacted with below queries, but got no response.

  • Does Lucid offers APIs for creating a flowchart using an AI prompt? If yes, then Can I later edit the flowchart (SVG/PNG) which I get in response using Lucid APIs/platform? 
  • Can API return the explanation or pseudo code for the generated flowchart?
  • Can API generate the flowchart by going through a document which has an explanation of a module or an application?
  • If we go with a plan having API access, then which models we will be working with?
  • Can we give code in prompt and based on it, API will generate the flowchart?

Let me know if anyone can help or refer me to documentation which all these details.


Hello Sarvesh!

“Does Lucid offers APIs for creating a flowchart using an AI prompt? If yes, then Can I later edit the flowchart (SVG/PNG) which I get in response using Lucid APIs/platform?”

  • The api does not have a feature that generates a flowchart by a prompt. You can generate your own json and import it to create a new document using our import document endpoint. After a document is imported, it can not be edited by the api later.

“Can API return the explanation or pseudo code for the generated flowchart?”

I do want to mention that there is text to diagram in the app. (As long as the account allows AI) Here is a help link. (This link also talks about the models we use to generate the diagrams)

Feel free to ask more questions!

@sarvesh.lakhera just to add a few other workarounds to ​@Jeremy Lakey's response above. If you have a model capable of producing Mermaid code, Lucid chart can render Mermaid on the canvas. Also, if you have a model capable of producing a CSV, this data can be imported to produce a Flowchart in Lucidchart.
