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I’m trying to create a new document in lucidchart by importing a .lucid file.  I am using the demo.lucid file.  I have also tried creating my own .lucid file.  I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.  Everything seems to match the instructions at

 The error :
    "code": "invalidImportType",

    "message": "Importing the provided file type is not supported"

Here is my Curl:

curl --location '' \
--header 'authorization: Bearer oauth2-...8sKF' \
--header 'lucid-api-version: 1' \
--form 'product="lucidchart"' \
--form 'title="helloform"' \
--form '=@"/C:/Users/USER/Downloads/demo (1).lucid"'

Here is a screenshot

Any advice is appreciated

Hi ​@johnktejik 

“.lucid files” are not compatible with the Lucidchart API's import functionality. This API only supports importing external file formats, such as Visio (.vsdx, .vdx), Gliffy (.gxml, .gliffy), and OmniGraffle (.graffle,, but does not accept native .lucid files.

Can you convert your diagram to a supported format, like .vsdx, before uploading it.

Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

figured it out.  There’s a hidden option in postman.  Enable that, then set the file (NOT the header) content-type to vnd.lucid.whatever.


Hi ​@johnktejik 

“.lucid files” are not compatible with the Lucidchart API's import functionality. This API only supports importing external file formats, such as Visio (.vsdx, .vdx), Gliffy (.gxml, .gliffy), and OmniGraffle (.graffle,, but does not accept native .lucid files.

Can you convert your diagram to a supported format, like .vsdx, before uploading it.

Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

that is just not true
