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I have tried the

And it works quite well locally with the commands “npx lucid-package test-editor-extension data-connector-example” and “npm start”.for the connector.

But when this extension is published in Applications on my portal it does not work i’m getting a 401 response.

Any explanation ?

Best regards.

Hello Michel,


Did you change the callbackBaseUrl in the manifest file to point towards wherever you are hosting your data connector? Another thing to check is that the ID within your manifest file matches the ID of the package you uploaded the zip file to. See the docs here for more details.


Hope this helps,


Hi ​@Connor B 

Thanks for your reply. Yes that is the problem.

The sample must be modified for running when published because there will not be any server to serve the callbackBaseUrl  http://localhost:3001/?kind=action&name=.

So the Sample, as is, works only locally.

