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Currently when using either a blank spark board or using the new task estimation template, the story point quick shape bank allows the user to drop the point value onto a jira or a lucid card; however, the card is only holding/displaying the points for each user and not the group.

In other words, if Rick adds 2 to a card and David adds 3 to a card - it only shows 1 vote instead of 2 and Rick only sees the vote he added for 2 and David only sees the vote he added for 3.

There should be a total of 2 votes being displayed in the results summary modal that pops up when selecting the estimation drop zone.


UPDATE - this is the same experience with the T-shirt sizes quick shape bank


Thank you for reporting this bug. We’ve found the issue and this should be fixed shortly. I expect it to be working by the end of today.

@Trevor J  - thank you for the update - we tested it today…

  • the quick tools points works for both lucid and jira cards - yeah! 
  • the quick tools t-shirts sizes works for lucid cards, but the jira card doesn’t get the drop box underneath the card - is this correct or still needs bug resolution?

Also - an enhancement we’d like to suggest is the ability to remove points from the quick tools that we don’t use. For example - our team does not use ½ or anything greater than 8. What we’re doing is putting in place and locking a white square so that those points aren’t available to be pulled off the card.

I believe it’s intended for the quick tools t-shirt sizes to only work for Lucid cards. These quick tools are still under development, so there’s plenty of room for improvements. I’ll make sure your feedback reaches the appropriate people.
