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Automating API Calls with Lucidchart Formulas

  • 25 August 2023
  • 3 replies

First note the link to the forum:

The purpose of this is to drive automations that in turn return some value and thus influence the shape-object metadata and hence the conditional formatting.

A use-case may be with a decision/gateway that collected data from previous task-properties via UPSTREAMDEEP. This is sent to the Python code that in turn evaluates the parameters makes a decision and returns that decision to the gatetway.

This has numerous applications both in simulations and also in live-service at edge device status reporting.

Please advise your thoughts.

Thank you


Badge +7

one additional question would be how to trigger "recalculation" of the logic on the process diagram? This may have implications in other diagram types such as UML IDEF etc.

Badge +7

addendum: note I have also tried this via Google Sheet.

I created Google app script to call the CoLab URL to run the python code to return the OUID above. No luck yet.

However I noted (another post) that Google sheets when the primary key is updated (via a calculation triggered in the sheet) it looses  connection to the shape-object properties ... and no longer updates them. So ... this is causing a cascading effect.


Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Hi John 

Thanks for participating in the Lucid for Developers Community! We truly appreciate your interest in our APIs and all you’ve shared so far about your project.  
You mentioned that you haven’t had any luck yet with returning a value to populate the UUID property on a shape when an embedded link is clicked. You may have already seen this but just in case I’d like to highlight this post from my colleague Richard which addresses how you might achieve this using our Extension APIs.   
You also mentioned: one additional question would be how to trigger "recalculation" of the logic on the process diagram?
Would you mind providing some more detail on what you mean by 'recalculation of the logic'?  For example do you want to modify a process diagram programmatically by changing items and item positioning or do you want to just modify custom data fields on items/shapes based on returned values?  
