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I am adding functions to custom data definitions to list the contents of a swimlane.  If there are more than 20 objects in the lane, the array that is returned shows ellipses at the end for each item over 20.  Even if I do something simple like


the result is s1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, ...]

How can I get the 21,22, 23 etc. to show up?  Is this limit hard coded?

Hi ​@mgmiller ,

Thank you for your question! While there’s no limit to the number of items in the array, the display is truncated after the first 20 items, showing ellipses for the rest. The array itself still contains all 23 items.

To view all the values as a single string, you can use the JOIN function to concatenate the items with a separator of your choice. This will allow you to display or work with the complete list.

@Richard U  - Thank you for the suggestion!  This will work with some modification to how we are consuming the export, as the array truncation is occurring on the export to JSON as well, not just the display. 


Thanks again.



You’re welcome!
