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Froggy Adventures Retro

  • 17 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Name: Shelly
Company: Lucid
View-only link:
Why I love it: This is another board I created when I used to lead retrospectives for my old team! They voted on a frog theme, and this is what I created for them - frogs having grand adventures! I like how frogs are depicted doing unique activities within the same setting. My favorite frog is the frog artist painting at the top of the Shoutouts frame, as I tried to make what he’s painting a bit meta (he’s painting the very landscape he’s looking at).


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@Shelly K what a cute frog retro! 🐸 Very creative! And from a logistical standpoint, really helpful of you to include a place for PTO and other upcoming things. Love it, thank you for submitting! 
