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Best Practices for Flowchart Design

  • 15 February 2024
  • 6 replies

Lets discuss tips, techniques and best practices for creating effective flowcharts


These are my top tips and best practices to consider for creating effective flow charts:

1. Define the Purpose

  • Start with a clear understanding of the flowchart’s purpose. Know what process or system the flowchart is intended to represent or improve.

2. Use Standard Symbols

  • Stick to universally recognized symbols (e.g., rectangles for processes, diamonds for decisions) to ensure consistency and readability.

3. Keep It Simple

  • Aim for simplicity to avoid overwhelming the reader. Use short, clear labels for each step and avoid over-complicating the diagram.

4. Follow a Logical Flow

  • Ensure the flowchart has a clear starting point and follows a logical sequence of steps. Use arrows to guide the reader through the flowchart smoothly.

5. Minimize Cross-overs

  • Design the flowchart to minimize line crossings, as these can make the chart harder to follow. Consider using connectors or making the chart multi-tiered if necessary.

6. Use Swimlanes for Complex Processes

  • For processes that involve multiple departments or roles, use swimlanes to delineate responsibilities clearly.

7. Include Decision Points

  • Clearly mark decision points and ensure that all possible outcomes are represented. This helps in understanding how decisions impact the process flow.

8. Iterate and Simplify

  • After drafting, review the flowchart to identify any steps that can be combined, simplified, or removed to make the flow more efficient.

9. Validate the Flowchart

  • Consult with stakeholders or individuals familiar with the process to validate the accuracy of the flowchart. This can help identify any missing steps or inefficiencies.

10. Use Colors Strategically

  • Employ colors to categorize different types of actions or decisions, but use them sparingly to avoid distraction.

11. Maintain Alignment and Proportion

  • Ensure that the symbols and text are aligned and sized proportionally for a clean, professional appearance.

12. Provide a Legend

  • If your flowchart uses unique symbols or color codes, include a legend for reference.

13. Optimize for Readability

  • Make sure the text is legible, with a font size and style that are easy to read. Avoid jargon, and use terminology that is familiar to the intended audience.

14. Review and Update Regularly

  • Processes can evolve over time, so review and update the flowchart as needed to ensure it remains accurate and relevant.

@Ria S Love that you called out simplicity! That’s one of the biggest benefits of visualizing a process, in my opinion - you can cut through the clutter with straightforward steps. 

@Ria S Excellent tips and best practices. 

Adding a few more which I noticed here :

  • Always format the flow from left to right or top to bottom.
  • Run the return lines under the flowchart, ensuring they don’t overlap.
  • Maintain consistent spacing between symbols.
  • Use the correct symbol for each step (diamond shapes are for decisions, rectangles are for processes, and start/end shapes should be the same, etc.)

These are helpful tips @hsukesan! Thanks for adding! 

@Ria S @hsukesan Awesome tips

Just adding to you guys idea of “Simplicity”, i've seen and awesome feedback from users when we decide/establish the specific board (e.g. Lucidspark) as the common ground/place for every other work.

Just to elaborate:  I work with development teams using Jira as our Sprint Backlog and Goal for specific sprint. Usually I use one board for every major project and we discuss next steps, business concepts and next deliverables on them.

After we have consensus, I usually write the issue card on Jira and hyperlink the issue card within the board.

Is a easy way to give reports to stakeholders and also keep the Devs within the same pace and idea. 😉

PS: Another idea (which is not related to Flowcharts at all 🤣) is to use the same board as the meeting notes and agenda. This is an example:


For our Weekly meeting we use the stickers as the topic to be discussed and circled back. 🤗

Love these tips! Lucid is very user (and use case) specific, but having helpful insights into the tool is key and extremely useful!
