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5 common challenges solved by AI

  • 26 February 2024
  • 2 replies

AI can help you solve five of your most common business challenges throughout your entire workflow, including:

  1. Getting started on a new project. AI can help you overcome “blank canvas syndrome” by suggesting ideas within seconds, so the momentum at the beginning of a project doesn’t stall. 
  2. Synthesizing ideas and deciding next steps. AI can help you make your brainstorming sessions more actionable by sorting ideas into themes, aggregating team feedback, and providing a summary of the session.
  3. Building on past learnings. Rather than recreating the wheel for each new project, as mentioned above, AI can provide summaries of working sessions. Plus, if you’re working with LLMs, you can keep a history of past prompts and inputs.                               
  4. Creating actionable documentation. AI can help you create documentation easily by auto-generating diagrams for you. 
  5. Ensuring stakeholders are up to speed. Stakeholders who miss a meeting can read the AI-generated summary of the working session to quickly come up to speed. 

If you want more information on how AI helps with these challenges, you can check out this blog post. Plus, you’ll get insight into how Lucid’s AI capabilities can specifically help!

Blank canvas syndrome is a surprisingly difficult obstacle sometimes! Totally agree that having even a few ideas as a starting point to riff on is so helpful.

“Blank canvas syndrome” is real! Lucid’s templates, combined with built-in AI tools, make that first step not only enjoyable but also inspiring. Using Lucid’s ChatGPT plug-in to create diagrams from a prompt is also such a helpful aid and can challenge you to rethink how you typically present ideas visually.
