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I made a mind tree using XMind but need to make it more symmetrical so I can add pictures etc. I was referred to using LucidChart but I am unsure of how to convert a pdf to a mind map on here or if there is a possibility to pass my xmind to this platform.  I do not want to lose all the time I spent on making it so please let me know if there are any shortcuts around this.

Hi Nathalie. Thanks for posting your question. Unfortunately, this isn’t currently supported in Lucid, but we’re very interested in your feedback and committed to continually improving our products. If you’re willing to share, we’d love to hear more details about your use case or what you’d like to see in this experience within this thread. I’ve also converted this post to an idea so that it’s visible to others within the Product Feedback section of the community - from here, they can upvote it and add details of their own.

Finally, for more information on how Lucid manages feedback via this community, take a look at this post:




Is there any way to vote for this feature request?


Hi Christophe, yes! Simply click the upvote button at the top of this request. We’d also love to see a comment from you with any additional details about what you’d like to see in this experience.