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I would like my annotation or description of the line to flow along the line as needed so how do I rotate  text on a line in Lucidchart?

I am also looking for an answer to this..

There is a quick hack for this or maybe not so quick

  1. draw a vertical line and do not edit the text for the line

  2. bring in a text only object and enter you text.

  3. On the text object you can rotate it by using the rotate form this menu 

  4. Set the background color of your text to white and lay it over the top of your line(holding down the control key stops it form snapping to the grid)

  5. Make sure the text is arranged to be on top of the arrow.  

  6. Group the test and arrow together and you can get something like this

  7. Copy and paste to your hearts desire.

@james h105 Thanks for sharing your great workaround! Your expertise is much appreciated.

Thank you for the workaround.

Would love to submit a feature request for an easier built-in way to rotate the text vertically when drawing lines from object to object.

Manually drawing a line is tedious and moments later you might need to adjust and then you need to ungroup the line and text and it's not necessarily worth the time.

Nonetheless thank you for a versatile and ever-evolving product! 

Hi there thanks for continuing this thread. We recognize that this is an area where we can improve your experience working with lines - thanks so much for sharing your feedback around it! I hope that James' workaround allows you to continue your work in the meantime. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to support you!

I am really looking forward for this feature as well. With a lot of arrows and data exchanges in the flow diagrams it is impossible to keep the diagram smaller as half of the page is just text  

Hi @mariana t thank you for continuing this thread and sharing your feedback! If you haven't already we recommend upvoting this request and adding additional details about your use case for this feature in the thread. For more information on how Lucid manages feedback via this community, take a look at this post.

Thank you for your request and please let us know if you have any questions! 

I’d really like to see an ability to rotate text on lines. It’s strange to see the rotate text button available for shapes, but then greyed out when selecting a line. It’s as if it was meant to work, but doesn’t. Should I be upvoting this thread, or is there another that’s specifically a feature request? 

I have upvoted this as well as turned in a request to our internal team to reach out to the Lucid representatives for our company. This needs to be a feature as we have extensive diagrams that change and using the workaround above works, it slows down productivity extensively.

Looks like this was initiated 3 years ago.  Has a simpler implementation not been developed?



This is a pretty basic feature that competitors do easily. Is this on the roadmap yet?

Hi everyone! Thank you for adding your feedback and comments to advocate for this feature. 

Any additional details about your use case or what you’d like to see in this experience. Currently we do not have an update on this feature request. However, the Top-voted ideas are reviewed by the product development team each month, so if you would like to see this feature make sure to upvote!

For more information about how we manage feedback in this community, please take a look at this post:


This appears to be a nearly 4 year old request.  I’m new to Lucid and not only am I surprised this feature isn’t available but more surprised at the lack of progress moving this improvement forward.


For more “use case” details.  If I am drawing a connecting line between 2 shapes, each representing a piece of equipment with the line representing a connection between those pieces of equipment, and I want to label the line, to correspond to physical cable labeling, and the line between shapes is vertical, I would like the option for the text to also be vertical.

Hi ​@BJones, thank you for adding to this thread with your feedback. I can certainly see why this would be helpful and I’m sorry that I do not have an update to provide at this time. This thread still remains the best place to get your feedback in front of the product teams. 

Hi team - I think this is important feature that should be provide out of the box - ability rotate text on the lines to make diagrams more readable