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I recently set up a LucidSpark document ahead of a brainstorming session that I was facilitating. As part of this pre-work I was hoping to create voting sessions ahead of time but keep them "deactivated" until we reached the voting part of our session. From what I can tell when you create a voting session it immediately becomes active. Am I doing something wrong or is this not yet possible?

Hi Matthew thanks for posting in the community! Unfortunately it is not currently possible to create a voting session ahead of time to be opened later. However I certainly understand how this could be useful to prepare for and facilitate collaboration sessions in Lucidspark.  We highly value user feedback and ideas created here are passed directly onto the development team for their consideration when prioritizing improvements to the product. Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help!

Thanks for the quick response—I'll go ahead and get a feature request submitted for this!

Hi @micah , is this an available feature yet?

Hi @rvassilatos , thanks for continuing this thread - this feature is still not available within Lucidspark. I’ve converted this post to an idea to increase its visibility and so other users can vote on it - please consider upvoting it yourself, which will help us identify our most popular ideas. Thank you!