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I have unknowingly paid a subscription to lucidchart for 108USD at 2:45pm GMT, but I do not use Lucidchart much and do not plan to use the premium feature for long or at all, i do not wish to enroll in this plan and hope to discontinue from it immediately and get a refund. I am immediately writing at 3:41pm GMT, and hope that it proof my concern and knowledge of this action.

@m2my321 you might want to check the answer to this similar thread. Don’t forget to put in a billing ticket.


Hi ​@m2my321, thank you for submitting the billing ticket as ​@aparrish suggested. I see that your request has been received by the billing team who will get you taken care of.

The team works through tickets in the order they are received, and you can expect a quick response to your email associated with your Lucid account. Please refer to that email for further correspondence.