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SCIM Connector not Deprovisioning/Removing Old Users

  • 23 July 2024
  • 1 reply

I recently re-enabled SCIM after the license change, and I audited out ~200 users that no longer needed access to Lucid. 

Removing them from the Okta App does not remove them from Lucid, but adding a new user, then removing that added user works properly. How can I get Lucid and Okta to force update the user list on a bulk change without having to do it manually?

No error codes are appearing, and its hard to troubleshoot where the issue is arising.


Userlevel 6
Badge +14

Hi @tyler anderson 

Regarding your primary concern - the bulk deprovisioning of users from Okta not being reflected in Lucidchart - unfortunately, there is no automated solution available for this specific issue.

We will need to rely on to manual processes to fix this.


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

