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SAML support and communications?

  • 1 September 2021
  • 1 reply

We're looking at rolling out SAML SSO between Okta and Lucid in the next week or two and I wanted to check in for others experience with this. It looks straightforward but we recently enabled another web app that shall remain nameless; when we turned on the SAML integration it sent an automated email to all the end users telling them it was available. It's not common in my experience but has anyone seen LucidChart do this? We'd like to make sure we're managing the communication side of the SSO project so I just wanted to double-check.

Hi Nick

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! 

I have verified that your users will not receive an automated email when you enable your SSO integration. However if this is something you did want to occur we can work with your account's Customer Success Manager to facilitate a one-time email blast about the integration. Otherwise users will not receive any sort of communication from Lucidchart about this.

I hope this help! Let me know if you have any additional questions.  
