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Is there a way to list or report all folders and files and who each document is shared with?  Specifically the use case / problem statement is that we have several terminated accounts that our Lucid Admin had the ownership transferred to them when they terminated an account which we now want to clean up efficiently and not loose any sharing.  Is there anything built into Lucid that would allow us to manage this clean up task efficiently?   Going forward we will identify and transfer ownership of the documents at the time of the account termination, but we need to clean up all of the existing documents for now.


Thanks to anyone with suggestions,



Thank you for posting in the community! 

Our Document discovery feature may be able to help with the details that are needed. You can access this feature via the admin panel (Documents & folders tab). This feature allows users with the Document admin role or Account owner role to search for all documents created by their users, see who owns documents even if they have not been shared with the admin, list of collaborators for each of the documents and transfer document ownership. You also have the option to download the data as a CSV if needed. 

For more information on this, I recommend you check out our Document Discovery help center article.

Unfortunately - that feature is limited and not available for us unless we pay more.


Document Discovery is available on Enterprise plans

The Document Discovery feature provides visibility to all documents owned by the team account. It allows admins to search documents by user, document type, or keyword.
