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Presentation Mode for Non Licenced Users

  • 14 September 2023
  • 1 reply

We have an enterprise licence for all our Lucid creators and editors. In addition we have non licenced users who interact and comment on our generated content. By far the nicest way to navigate around diagrams is in presentation mode. Presentation mode removes all distractions from the content and maintains all hyperlinks and inter-document links in place (without a single click). Unfortunately our unlicensed users cannot use presentation mode as it demands a licence.

This means that unlicenced users need to crtl-shift-click through a busy diagram with menus rather than a slick diagram. We can publish via pdf - but his is extra steps in the workflow.

Recommendations: Unlicenced Users can view in Presentation mode OR a link to Presentation Mode for Diagram can be shared (this should be minimum functionality on an Enterprise licence)

Hey Terry 

Thanks for posting about this feature in the community! 

While "Limited-Access" users are unable to use Presentation Mode they are able to navigate around the document in the regular editor. However I do understand and appreciate your recommendation to add this functionality to the capabilities of an unlicensed user. Would you mind adding this idea to our feature request form? Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

Thanks in advance and apologies for the inconvenience. 

