@osilva_fragomen the text needs to all be in a single line in the markup because if you hit ENTER and add a new line in the markup it is read as a separate symbol into the markup. If you still need help @Darbie may be able to help you.
@osilva_fragomen the text needs to all be in a single line in the markup because if you hit ENTER and add a new line in the markup it is read as a separate symbol into the markup. If you still need help @Darbie may be able to help you.
Hello @aparrish
Thank you very much for your answer, unfortunately it didn't work for me.
I would also like to clarify that the only thing that doesnt work for me is the first line, the one with the directives, which as mentioned is in just on the same line.
That same code works for me in the vs code-plugin for mermaid
Ok, I did some more testing and it seems that the problem is the type of graph I use, it seems that for sequenceDiagram it doesn't work
This one doesNOT work
%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'dark' } }%%
participant app as Application
participant ApiDb
app->>+ApiDb: 1 getBill()
ApiDb->>-app: 1 Response ApiDb
This one does work
%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'dark' } }%%
graph LR
Hi @osilva_fragomen, I’m happy to hear that this has been resolved! I appreciate you taking the time to update us on what worked for you, as it may help others who come across this post.
I wanted to also share this resource that is available in the Help Center in case it might prove useful as well: the Diagram as code with Mermaid in Lucidchart article. Please let us know if you encounter further problems in this experience or if there is anything else we can do to support your work.
And thank you @aparrish for your insight!
Hi @osilva_fragomen, I’m happy to hear that this has been resolved! I appreciate you taking the time to update us on what worked for you, as it may help others who come across this post.
I wanted to also share this resource that is available in the Help Center in case it might prove useful as well: the Diagram as code with Mermaid in Lucidchart article. Please let us know if you encounter further problems in this experience or if there is anything else we can do to support your work.
And thank you @aparrish for your insight!
Sorry for the misunderstanding, but I haven't solved the problem.
What I wanted to say is that it doesn't work for me in "sequenceDiagram" type graphics, but it does work for "graph" type graphics and I'm trying the same directives in both.
But in the VS Code plugin both cases work for me.
And you are right, the first thing I did was look at the documentation, but it doesn't say anything about directives.