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Admin resource

Making Changes to Account Ownership

Who Can Make Admin changes?

For each team or enterprise account different roles have different accesses to make changes and monitor the account. For more information on what roles each Admin plays please review our Admin Roles help center article.  For each team there is an Account Owner who has full control of the account. If the current Account Owner is leaving the company or your team then there will need to be a change in Account Ownership. Depending on your role on the team you can change or request to change the Account Owner.

Note: The simplest way to change account ownership is to have the current Account Owner transfer ownership to another User on the team before they leave the company or team.

Account Owner: If you are currently the Account Owner of your team then you can transfer ownership to another User on your account.  You can make this change through your Admin Panel under the Users tile. First select the User you would like to be the new Account Owner then select "Actions" then select "Make Account Owner".

Billing Admin: If you are the Billing Admin on an account then you will need to submit a support ticket to make an admin change. You can submit a ticket through the following link –support request link.  As a Billing Admin you will simply need to request a change of account ownership to another User and a support agent will aid you in the process of making that change. 

Team Admin: As a Team Admin you do not have the right access to request a change of ownership without providing additional information. To make admin changes you will need to submit a support request. Once your request has been submitted a support agent will guide you through the process of making changes. 

User: If you are a User on the team and need account ownership to change  you will follow the same steps and information as the Team Admin listed above.  

If you have further questions about managing Users please review our User Management help center article.

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