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Why are we limited with sharing options within certain documents to allow whole company or Any logged in user. 

Some documents only have Any logged in user as an option. 


Hi ​@Renier.Kotze 

Could you please verify the location of the document whether it's currently stored in a Team folder or not ?

Best Regards

Good morning ​@Renier.Kotze,

I was also wondering if you were the document owner on the documents that only have “any logged in user”. More details will help to understand why you’re seeing what you’re seeing. 

Hi all 

The document is Team owned. 

Would that be the reason for this sharing option to be blanked out ? 

Thank you for the assistance. 


Good morning ​@Renier.Kotze,

I am still working on this for you and will follow up when I know if this is expected behavior.
