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This article specifies that the license attributes already exist under the default app. 




Both Lucidchart and Lucidspark license attributes are already added to the app but are unmapped by default. You will need to assign these attributes out to either individuals or groups to utilize the attributes.



However it's not specified what the attributes actually are. Looking at the SCIM API documentation it references an object urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:lucid:1.0:User but I don't see this included in any of existing attributes. The closest one I could guess to be right one is "entitlements" but it seems to be referencing a different schema.



The SAML setup for our org was created a while back so is it possible it's just out of date and I should set up a new one? 



TL;DR - which attributes define a users Lucidchart license status?



Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community. If you're using the "Lucid" app in Okta licenses can be managed via SCIM by assigning a boolean value to the individual products listed under the "Product Licenses" attribute. These are shown in the example request body for the user schema in our SCIM documentation(linked here). 

Hi! Updating this thread with exciting news - we've recently launched Lucid for Developers a community space dedicated to supporting and connecting our users working with the Lucid API and our most technical features.

In this section the developers actually building Lucid’s APIs will be available to answer your most technical questions just like this one. Furthermore here we plan to announce new endpoints tools and guides to help you have the best possible experience developing on Lucid’s APIs. You can browse existing posts connect with other users with similar questions and goals and ask questions of your own by creating a new post or leaving a comment. Thank you and we're excited to hear from you!

I'm having the same issue.

I do not have a 'Product Licenses' attribute.

When adding the group to the app here are my options:


I've tried adding a custom attribute called Lucidchart_licensed (boolean) and tried to set it that way but no luck.

I want to assign a license whenever a user is assigned the app in okta and only use one okta group.


Hi there

I will create a ticket for you so that we can directly walk you through this migration!

For context and for other folks who come across this issue: I am happy to provide some clarification! We have both a Lucidchart and Lucid app you will need to know how to migrate to the new Lucid app. To access the new SCIM attributes even if you are currently using the Lucid app you have to add a new instance of the Lucid App in your Okta org. If you already have an existing instance of the Lucidchart app or the Lucid app follow the steps below to migrate from that old instance to a newly updated instance of the Lucid app.

  1. Login to your Okta org as an Admin. 

  2. Open the Admin UI.

  3. Click on Add Applications.

  4. Add a new instance of Lucid.

  5. Turn off all provisioning in your old app by disabling "Create Users" "Update User Attributes" and "Deactivate Users."

  6. Configure the new application including Provisioning - like “Create Users” Update User Attributes” and “Deactivate Users.”

    • Provisioning should proceed without issues. If there is a “Not Found” on the discovery aspect those users will need to be removed from the Okta app and re-added to force an External ID re-map.

  7. After SCIM Provisioning has been enabled go to the Import tab of your new app instance.

  8. Click Import Now.

  9. After the users from Lucid are downloaded select the users you want created or linked in Okta.

  10. Click Confirm Assignments

  11. A pop-up will appear asking if you would like to proceed with the assignment confirmation. 

  12. Click Confirm.

  13. Go back to your Admin Dashboard.

  14. Open your old app instance.

    • This is the previous Lucidchart or Lucid app you added before adding a new one in step 4.

  15. Go to the Provisioning tab.

  16. Select Settings.

  17. Click on API.

  18. Click Edit

  19. Uncheck the box for “Enable API Integration”. 

  20. Click Save

  21. You must now deactivate and delete your old app instance and begin using the new app you added.

Note: If you were using SAML as the sign-on mode for your old Lucidchart or Lucid app instance you will need to set up SAML on your new instance in Okta.
