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I embedded a published LucidChart on my company portal, and it works on desktop and Android phones. But when iPhone users go to the page, the LucidChart does not load. Any ideas about how to fix this?

Hi @jessicacouch , 

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! Can you confirm which browser you’re using to view the page on your iPhone? If possible, can you also share a screenshot of the document failing to load? 

It’s actually through our Portal app and not a browser. Let me see if I can get a screenshot from an iPhone user. 

This is what it looks like on the iPhone


And here it is on the Android


Thanks for sharing those details. To confirm, do any documents you embed in your app fail to render in the iOS version of the app? Or just these specific documents? 

Correct. We have a few documents on a couple of different pages and none of them render on iPhones. 

Thanks for the context. I spoke with our engineering team, and there are no known restrictions from Lucid on rendering embedded documents on iOS. Would it be possible for you to check with your internal team that owns the app to confirm if the way it’s configured could be impacting these documents rendering for iOS users specifically? 
