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HI Team ,


We are in the Process of migrating our Confluence Data Center Instance to Confluence Cloud.

Lucidchart Plugin is part of CLoud as well .


As there is no automated way or supported by CCMA, any specific steps we have to take care during the migration,

I am following this documentation for now


Completed conversion. Succeeded: 0, Failed: 1

Failure logs:


  • Could not convert document token on page 'Copy of fraimWRX Proposal - Incremental Batches' (708085223). Document token may be invalid.
    URL: /display/LUC/Copy+of+fraimWRX+Proposal+-+Incremental+Batches

Hi @Emma B

This is one such diagram , we have 75+ pages with Lucid Diagram , max havethis error 

I have edit access on this diagram 




url when copied to my test space
