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Files "anonymized"

  • 29 January 2024
  • 3 replies

We delicensed a user and transferred ownership of their files to an admin account. The user was relicensed and we’ve shared their original documents.

However some (11) of the files were retitled to “anonymized” and we and the original owner are unable to open the fles.

Any idea why this anonimization occurred or how to restore the original files?

Hi there! Thanks for posting. I will be able to better assist you through a ticket. Do you mind submitting one here

Hi there! Thanks for posting. I will be able to better assist you through a ticket. Do you mind submitting one here

Hi we submitted a ticket but haven’t received email confirmation the ticket was received.

Also when checking “View all Support Tickets” from our profile, it brings us to “This site can’t be reached” via Zendesk

Sorry about that! I recovered your ticket, and you should see a response in your inbox.
