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I need to audit our Lucid licenses and we have over 500 users in my list. I have to build a CSV or Excel file to submit to my supervisor with all the users names emails and whether or not they actually have a license... which is already all recorded in Lucidchart. I need this done ASAP and would much rather export rather that manually recreate this entire list in Excel. How do I export this list?!

Hey Heather thanks for the post! The ability to export team members information is an Enterprise-only feature.

If you are an Enterprise admin you can find usage data by selecting Usage data in the left-hand menu. In the top-right corner of the Usage data page you can download the user data. Please let me know if you have any other questions. 

Hi I have the same need.   Can a list of Team members be sent to me by email?

Hi Jorge this is only possible on an Enterprise account. Please let me know if I can help with any other questions!

Thanks Megan that didn't help much.

I came up with a workaround that might help others very cumbersome but at least I didn't have to retype all my users.  I configured a very large print page size and printed the web page to a PDF.  I then copied the user list from the PDF file and pasted it into excel.

Not really what I wanted to do but at least it got the job done.
