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developer and corporate template admin cannot share chart

  • 5 December 2023
  • 1 reply

user with developer and corporate template admin roles cannot share chart.


what is the role that will enable this?

@arzerhohash, thank you for contributing to the Lucid Community. Just to make sure that we are on the same page, please review our article on sharing and our article on administrator roles from the Lucid Help Center, and let me know if you have any questions about the set up or intended functionality.

Here are potential reasons why the user, despite having the template admin role and developer privileges, may be unable to share a specific document:

  1. The user may lack 'Edit & Share' access to the document.
  2. For Enterprise subscription users, the user might be a limited-access (unlicensed) user and therefore possibly not have the necessary permissions to share the document. Note that admin roles can be assigned to limited-access users.
  3. Your account might have admin-level security settings that restrict users from sharing documents outside your organization, which could be limiting this user's sharing capabilities.

To assist you further, please provide:

  • Any error messages the user encounters while attempting to share the document.
  • Details about the document's location (e.g., is it within a specific folder?) and the access permissions granted to this user for this document (visible in the Share menu under document collaborators and their permissions).

Finally, to answer your question: what is the role that will enable this?

On an Enterprise subscription, account owners and Document admins can access the Document Discovery feature to customize statuses and attributes for documents or Team folders on your account, and generate a temporary support PIN. 
