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Wie kann ich ein Organigramm (neue Version) in ein anderes Lucidchart Dokument übertragen?

  • 8 January 2019
  • 1 reply

Ich habe Copy & Paste probiert damit werden nur die Formen aber nicht die Daten übertragen.

Gibt es andere Möglichkeiten?

Hi Frank

Thanks for posting in the community!

For our other users the question (roughly) translated is as follows:"How can I transfer an organization chart (new version) to another Lucidchart document?
I have tried Copy & Paste so only the shapes but not the data are transferred. Are there other possibilities?"

In order to transfer an existing Org Chart into a new document you can make a copy of your existing chart from your documents page (click the three dots at the bottom right of the document and then click copy).


In order to transfer your Org Chart into an existing document I would recommend exporting the Org Chart data as a CSV from the original document and then importing it into the desired document.


Hope this helps!
