I need proper template support to coloring swimlane backgrounds in the multidimensional swimlane. 

I made a custom 2d swimlane object myself by grouping (locking) together overlapping vertical and horizontal swimlanes in the upper left corner registration point.   However this is not the same as a single configurable template because the overlapping vertical and horizontal swimlanes must be ungrouped to add or remove objects to the horizontal or vertical swimlane separately and properly magnetize the objects to either the vertical or horizontal swimlane. 

What we really need is per lane phase separators to indicate that a "phase" of a process (a subprocess) has been completed but not the entire process or workflow.  See the Visio's Cross-Functional Flowchart Shapes (available for free with Visio for 15+ years.)   

When are these expected controls (you call them "advanced" controls) going to be in production for changing the swimlane color within the multidimensional pools and swimlanes object ?    


Once again it is NOT my job to make feature requests.  That is YOUR JOB As a paid Technical Support Staff Member to take requirements and add them to the master list and use the customer voting system (that is missing) to establish priorities for missing features. 


LucidChart needs to implement a Community Voting Protocol so that the most common reported bugs and missing requirements get prioritized BY THE COMMUNITY.   The current process is slow and requires customers and users to report problems and request things twice.