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My spell check is "Always on" but is not working within a table. I'm having to copy my text back and forth from MS Word in order to perform a confident spell check

Addition to this: When I paste back into Lucid from MS Word using bullet points in a table the line-to-line padding needs to be adjusted to 4px to match that of my other bullet points. BUT the other bullet points (those not copied back and forth from MS Word) have no line-to-line padding.

I'm a brand new user but all-in-all text editing seems very buggy. I was hoping for a strong solution to diagraming complex concepts but so far I'm concerned I've wasted my money.

Hi @jonathan b101 

Thanks for posting in the community and for trying out Lucid! We're happy you are here and would love to support you with getting started and any issues you are experiencing 🎉 If you have spell check toggled on any spelling errors should immediately be underlined in red to notify you that there's an error. If you aren't seeing this on your end do you mind testing this in an incognito Chrome browser to see if the issue persists? Additionally is this issue with spell check and formatting happening in all documents or just the one you are working in? 

Thanks for your help and patience! 

The issue still persists in an incognito window. It only happens in one of my 5 tables I built in the file. I copied it from another table. 

Not sure if that helps

Hi @jonathan b101

Thanks for testing that and apologies for the continued trouble -- do you mind replying with the document support pin so that I can take a closer look? Additionally please let me know in your response which table is having issues with spell check. Thanks so much! 
