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I am using CONTAINED to generate an array of a members with a particular value (i.e. CONTAINED.”PORT_NAME”).  This works fine, I can see the members of the array.  I can use COUNT to get the number of elements in the array.

However if I use UNIQUE on the array it seems to ignore any duplicate entries in the array.   If I create an array by hand with the same values, it works fine.

Any suggestions?

Hi @Richard Watson

Thank you for the post! Can you provide the exact formulas you are using? Do you mind clarifying the issue further? Are you using both formulas?

Hi Kelsey, it may be easier to demonstrate over video if possible?


In my example I have a container (blue rectangle) and inside that, multiple smart containers.  In the smart container selected I have 2 containers (RJ45, SFP28) with 4 items.


If I add a custom property (TEST) to smart container using the formula =CHILDREN.”PORT_NAME” I get an array of the 4 items’ “PORT_NAME” property.


I want to check to see if this array potentially duplicate entries (i.e. someone has accidentally used the same port twice).  To check this I want to use the UNIQUE function to strip any duplicates out.

In this example Gi1/1/1 is repeated.

The COUNT function works correctly to identify there are 4 items in the array.

If I use UNIQUE I’d expect to see any array of 3 items (Te1/2/1, Gi1/1/1, Te3/2/1) - but that is not what happens.  It returns all 4 items including the duplicates.

If I manually recreate the array, the UNIQUE function works fine.

Hope that helps enough to recreate this.  Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
Thank you,

