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I have shadows on my boxes on a diagram, when I export to PDF those shadows are not exported so the boxes look flat.  Anyone else come across this?

Hey @mikegdoran -- thanks for posting! Care to share a screenshot of what you are seeing on your end?

I’ve got an example of this.  I’m putting shadows on various items in Lucid:


but when I export it to PDF:


Hey @Mike Shelton thanks for posting! Have you tried exporting this as a different file type to determine if that helps mitigate the issue? For full transparency, we have had a couple of reports on this issue so I would love to get a bit more information from you so we can report this to our dev team. 

Thanks @Mike Shelton!

@Phillip W, I exported it to PNG, JPEG, and SVG and each of those included the shadow.  It appears that only PDF has the issue.

@Mike Shelton thanks for that additional information! My name is Grace, I’ll be taking over from here. Can you please send a temporary Support PIN for this document? This will allow me to take a closer look at the issue you’re experiencing. For more information on generating a Support PIN, check out this Help Center article.


@gwingate , I created a simple diagram named “Blank diagram” for demonstrating the issue.

Hi @Mike Shelton, thanks for sharing the PIN! After doing some additional testing, @gwingate and I believe you have identified a bug, and I have reported this to our development team. I apologize for any disruption this may cause, and I will update this thread with any new information about a fix. Please follow along on this thread for updates, and post any additional questions or concerns below.

Thank you, @gwingate .

@Mike Shelton, one thing I forgot to clarify, are these objects in your screenshot and test document images, custom shapes, or part of a Lucid shape library?

@Amelia W, the two objects in my diagram were imported from a Visio shape library so I guess they’d be classified as custom shapes.  I just now added some objects from Standard libraries > Azure 2021 and they produced the same result.

Thank you for confirming @Mike Shelton, I will update this thread with more information when I have it!

Any updates on this?

Hi @Mike Shelton, thanks for following up! After doing some testing on my end, it looks like shadows are being shown in PDF files. Would you mind checking with your document to see if this is working for you?

I check again (in case a recent version fixed it) and the shadows still do not appear in the PDF that’s generated.  I used the same document from my 10 July 2024 message.

Hi @Mike Shelton, thanks for following up! I apologize for the continued trouble here. Would you mind copying your content from your existing document into a new, blank document to see if the issue persists? I would also recommend adding different types of shapes with shadows added to see if any shadow shapes export for you. If the shadows still fail to export, can you please send a temporary support PIN for this new document? I appreciate your help and patience!

I created a new blank document and am getting inconsistent results.  I generated a support PIN (xsRnh7XRYgnX).  The images all came from the standard libraries.  If the Text box, Azure Databricks, and Consortium images are on the left, only the right half of those shadows appear in the PDF:

If I move the Code and Users images to the left, the shadows disappear completely:


Here’s a screen shot of the Lucid window:


Hi @Mike Shelton, thanks for sharing these screenshots! I’m going to do some deeper investigating on my end, I will share any updates I have in this thread.

Hi @Mike Shelton, I apologize for the delay here. It appears that an official fix has not been released, although I was able to get some shadows to export as expected. However, some shadows were missing or incomplete like in your example. I will update this thread when I receive an update!

No, it has not.  After receiving your response, I created a new blank document and used stencils from both standard and custom libraries.  Lucid:

PDF generated from File > Export > PDF:


Hi @Mike Shelton

I apologize the bug is still active, I misread the bug in our system and thought it was closed.  The bug is still active. Thank you for the correction!
