
PDF export not displaying shadow

  • 9 February 2024
  • 12 replies


I have shadows on my boxes on a diagram, when I export to PDF those shadows are not exported so the boxes look flat.  Anyone else come across this?


Userlevel 5
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Hey @mikegdoran -- thanks for posting! Care to share a screenshot of what you are seeing on your end?


I’ve got an example of this.  I’m putting shadows on various items in Lucid:


but when I export it to PDF:


Userlevel 5
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Hey @Mike Shelton thanks for posting! Have you tried exporting this as a different file type to determine if that helps mitigate the issue? For full transparency, we have had a couple of reports on this issue so I would love to get a bit more information from you so we can report this to our dev team. 

Thanks @Mike Shelton!


@Phillip W, I exported it to PNG, JPEG, and SVG and each of those included the shadow.  It appears that only PDF has the issue.

Userlevel 1
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@Mike Shelton thanks for that additional information! My name is Grace, I’ll be taking over from here. Can you please send a temporary Support PIN for this document? This will allow me to take a closer look at the issue you’re experiencing. For more information on generating a Support PIN, check out this Help Center article.




@gwingate , I created a simple diagram named “Blank diagram” for demonstrating the issue.

Userlevel 4
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Hi @Mike Shelton, thanks for sharing the PIN! After doing some additional testing, @gwingate and I believe you have identified a bug, and I have reported this to our development team. I apologize for any disruption this may cause, and I will update this thread with any new information about a fix. Please follow along on this thread for updates, and post any additional questions or concerns below.


Thank you, @gwingate .

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

@Mike Shelton, one thing I forgot to clarify, are these objects in your screenshot and test document images, custom shapes, or part of a Lucid shape library?


@Amelia W, the two objects in my diagram were imported from a Visio shape library so I guess they’d be classified as custom shapes.  I just now added some objects from Standard libraries > Azure 2021 and they produced the same result.

Userlevel 4
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Thank you for confirming @Mike Shelton, I will update this thread with more information when I have it!
