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Use Case - Org Chart
Data import via google sheet works as expected.

How can I use people profile pictures that are stored on Google Drive?
I have added a column in the Google Sheet and copied the Google Drive URL of the people profile picture  but it seems not to work.  After DATA SET REFRESH in Lucidchart the people profile pictures are not shown. It seems the Google Drive URL of the picture is not correct.
Any ideas or tricks how this will work?

Hi there thanks for posting in the Community! Unfortunately you cannot use Google Drive URLs for employee images in your org chart. Google Drive will block Lucid's access and the images will not appear properly. In order to work around this you will need to either upload the images directly to your diagram or link URLs from a public location instead of Google Drive. Hope this helps!

Thanks Maison for the confirmation because that was also my suspicion.

What about Microsoft OneDrive? I've used pictures from my OneDrive but with the same result.
If Microsoft OneDrives behaves like Google Drive what other options for "public locations" can you prefer.


Yes unfortunately OneDrive is also private. A common source people use is LinkedIn profile pictures because the profiles are public. You can navigate to a profile right click on the picture select "copy image address" and use that in the URL field in your diagram and it should populate the image without issues. Alternatively if you don't want to use URLs for the images you can download your images from Google Drive or OneDrive and upload them manually to the image fields.
