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So I created an org chart using an XLS file as the input and it worked great.  However I want to move some of the people around and Lucid doesn't want to let me.

As an example I want to have all VPs on one line all managers on another and then all staff below.  Some departments don't have VPs and some don't have managers but I can't control the physical placement of the people on the chart.  So in a department where the manager reports to the president the manager is placed where I want the VPs to be.

I basically want to be able to drag around people on the org chart and have Lucid let me "place" the people where I want them to be.  Instead Lucid snaps everything to where it wants it to go.

So in the above diagram the Facilities Manager reports to the CEO.  LucidChart forces the Facilities Manager to be at the same diagram "level" as the VPs and I need this person to show at the same "level" as the other managers.  Is this possible? 

Thank you!

Hi David thank you for posting in the community and sharing a detailed description of your use-case!

Unfortunately Lucidchart doesn't currently have a feature to show two employees at different levels reporting to the same supervisor. However this community post shares a quick workaround to display this in your Org Chart. 

If you'd like to see this function in Lucidchart would you mind adding your idea to our feature request form? Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions!

Hi David! In the event you manage your org chart data in Office 365, I wanted to let you know that we are actively developing an Excel integration with Lucidchart. This feature will allow you to import spreadsheets from Office 365 business accounts, and have 2-way syncing between Lucid and your Excel spreadsheet. 


If you (or anyone reading this) is interested, shoot me a DM. I can get you onboarded to our Excel beta.  We’re actively looking for testers that can provide feedback and feature requests for this new capability.
