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I’m getting really annoyed by the flip-flops of the keyboard shortcut changes, that can happen on any page reload while working on a diagram. 

Sometimes I’m forced to use control+D for “duplicate”, sometimes both control+D and command+D work well. and it seems that command+D works majority of the time. 

Same happen to other shortcuts like copy/paste etc. 

How can I get a stable set of keyboard shortcuts that do not change with the Lucid page loads? 

Good afternoon,

I checked with one of my colleagues who is knowledgable with our shortcuts, and I asked them if there were any known issues with shortcuts. They weren’t aware of any recent changes, and they also went through and tested shortcuts on their mac while refreshing in both Chrome and Safari. The shortcuts continued to work as expected. However, I want to assist you in figuring this out. Are you using an external keyboard?

Thanks Shantel. 

I only use Safari with LucidChart. 

The issue has happened both at home and office, with or without an external keyboard. Once the issue occurs, I’d have no way to get it back, it could change back after a some time - when I post yesterday, the issue came up at my first load of the Lucid chart web page. And today, it appears completely normal when I login to start working. 


That’s why I wonder if there is a way to fix the keyboard shortcuts using some kind of local configuration. But that may not be easy either. 



Good afternoon,

I checked with our API team to see if the hotkeys/shortcuts could be custom configured, and right now that isn’t possible. I would like to assist you in narrowing down exactly what is causing this to occur. Can you give me specific details about when this has happened. Details like the type of operating system, browser, and any additional details like if it happens on the same computer/browser just after refresh, or if it is happening when you change computers etc. The more information I have, the better I can help identify what’s happening here. Thank you in advance! 

Well I’ve always been using Safari and same computer. I can’t say for sure about when it may happen, but usually it would be after I log on for the work day and open the lucidchart document from Safari (meaning the page load at the beginning of the day’s work).

Next time you notice it has happened, will you give me the specific details from that day? I’m thinking it has to do with the external keyboard you mentioned, but would like to confirm that after you let me know if it is still happening.
