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*These instructions are for the legacy Canvas integration, which will soon be deprecated. To learn about the updated integration, which includes access to Lucidspark, check out this help center article.*


Account administrators can addĀ LucidchartĀ as an external app in Canvas and start linking assignments together to benefit both students and teachers for fast visual learning and easy grading. Read this article to learn more.


Add the Lucidchart app in Canvas

  1. Open your Canvas Course.
  2. ClickĀ SettingsĀ from the left-hand menu.
  3. Click theĀ AppsĀ tab at the top of the screen.
  4. TypeĀ ā€œLucidchartā€Ā in the Filter search bar.
  5. Go toĀ lucid.appĀ and log in to your EDU account.
  6. Open the Admin Panel by clickingĀ AdminĀ from the left-hand navigation menu.
  7. SelectĀ App integrationĀ from the menu on the left-hand side.
  8. Under "Available integrations", locate the Canvas tile and clickĀ Settings.
  9. ClickĀ Generate OAuth credentials.
    • This generates a Client ID (Consumer Key) and Client Secret (Shared Secret).
  10. In Canvas, clickĀ +Add AppĀ and paste the generated keys.
  11. ClickĀ Add App.

Using the integration

For teachers: create an assignment using Lucid

  1. ClickĀ AssignmentsĀ on the left-hand side menu.
  2. ClickĀ +AssignmentĀ at the top of the screen.
  3. Edit the Assignment Name and any instructions.
  4. To insert the Lucid document, click the Lucidchart icon to open the dialog.
  5. Navigate to find your document.
  6. Hover over the document you want to link or embed and clickĀ Select.
  7. Make sure the Submission Type is set to ā€œOnlineā€ and then checkĀ File Uploads.
  8. Complete the other assignment fields (Points, Group, Grade, etc.).
  9. Assign and publish the assignment.

For students: complete assignments using Lucid

Click the link in Canvas to create your own copy of theĀ Lucid document. If you are not loggedĀ in to a Lucid account, you might be prompted to log in or create an account.Ā Once in, youĀ can edit and share your work.

  1. When youā€™re ready to submit your assignment in Canvas, clickĀ Submit Assignment. A submit dialog will appear at the bottom of the Canvas page.
  2. Click the ā€œLucidchartā€ tab at the top of the dialog.
  3. Your document page will appear, allowing you to select the document you want to submit.
  4. Confirm your submission by clickingĀ Submit AssignmentĀ one last time. Your submission will then be submitted as shown on the top right.

Teachers can then use the Canvas Speed Grader(TM) to grade the studentā€™s assignment.


Whatā€™s the difference between linking and embedding inĀ Lucid?
When students click the link provided, they create their own version of that document. They can then share that document with other students to collaborate, with the teacher to get feedback, etc.

Embedded documents will show the document in Canvas. Students will not edit the document, but can interact with hotspots, videos, pages to learn.

How can my students complete group assignments?
Currently Canvas allows for group assignments where one student turns in the assignment but doesnā€™t allow you to assign a separate document for each group.The easiest workaround would be to have one student from each group click on the link and create a document and then share it with the other group members.

How can I assign my students aĀ Lucid documentĀ but let them choose their own template?
Use thisĀ URL.

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