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Dear support team 

I have a modest and simple question which I nonetheless can't solve since weeks on my own: 

I want different symbols to have different colours. 

For example the squares I want to be yellow the  hexagons I want to be blue and so on (as seen in the screenshot). In the whole document. 

It does not workout with the option "set rules". 


Best regards


Hi Violetta!

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart community! You'll want to use conditional formatting. From your post it looks like you know what this is! In case you need a refresher please reference this help center article. In order to change the color dependent upon shape you'll want to use our data linking feature that you can read about here. I hope this helps! 

Dear Ryan 

but how can I change the color dependent upon shape if I do not have data that I want to link with the document? I am working with the event-driven process chain <EPC> therefore a data linkage doesn not make sense. I simply want all squares to be in one colour and all hexagons in another colour to improve my design. Therefore the links you've written don't help 😞 Thanks!

Hi Violetta

Thanks for reaching out. To achieve this purpose I suggest changing the default color style to be a desired color. That means that all shapes dragged onto the canvas will be that color. I would then select all of the squares or hexagons by holding shift and clicking on each shape and change the fill color. That way you will have two different colors for the two different shapes. I hope this helps. 
