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Hiding all "child" and "grandchild" layers

  • 24 July 2024
  • 4 replies

I have created a Lucid Chart diagram - a decision tree - that starts with one “parent” task (a box). This is the only item on that layer. I then added a second layer that is displayed when you click on the parent box; this second layer shows two “child” tasks. If you then click one of the child tasks, the next layer is triggered to open and you can click one of those “grandchildren” to dig in further. The issue I have is that I want to be able to click the “child” and have all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren close as well. Right now, when I click the child the grandchildren close, but the great-grandchildren and beyond are out there hanging in space not connected to anything. Any ideas? I’m sure this is probably an easy fix, but I’m relatively new to the platform so appreciate any advise. I’ve put a screen shot here to show what happens when I click a child (dark grey box) after opening layers deeper down. That empty space in the middle is a layer that was turned off by clicking the child; the turned-off layer contains the tasks/boxes that lead you to the white boxes at right. When I click the grey box, everything to the right of it that’s open should be turned off. How do I do that?



Hi @shedietz, great question - thanks for the post! Fortunately, this has a straightforward solution. I recommend using the Toggle feature of the Actions menu, which will allow you to reveal and hide multiple layers at once. I’ve recreated a simple version of your diagram here, where I have a child and grandchild layer with shapes in each. 

 First I select my “On main page” shape, then open the Actions menu. From there, under the Toggle dropdown, I can choose both the child and grandchild layer. 

After applying this, I can simply click on the “On main page” shape to reveal the entire branch, then hide it. 


I hope this helps! Let me know if you have additional questions. 

Hi Micah - that is helpful. Let me add another wrinkle. 😉 There are many children, so we don’t want to show all grandchildren unless the user overtly selects a specific child - then we’d show the grandkids associated with that child. Does that make sense? 🙃 Therein lies my dilemma. If I have clicked on child 3 to see it’s associated grandkids, I want to be able to click back on the parent (the main layer) and close everything to the right - not just the children. When I do that today - click the parent - the children close, but the grandkids stay open. 

Yes, that makes sense! What I might recommend in this case is building out two separate “buttons” to accomplish both of these functions. As a rough example, I made a button to “collapse process”, which has the toggle layer set-up I described above. Then, a “see more detail” button on the main page-level shape will show the child layer via the Actions menu.


After that, within the child layer, another “see more detail” button will reveal the grandchild layer. 



Thanks! I’ll give that a try.
