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Some months ago I created a layered diagram with multiple base layers each containing sub layers. The purpose was to hide a base layer and all sub layers would be hidden with it. For example:

  • Base layer 1

  • Sub layer 1a

  • Sub layer 1b

  • Base layer 2

  • Sub layer 2a

  • Sub layer 2b

By hiding Base layer 2 I also hide sub layers 2a and 2b. Now I can't remember how I created sub layers. The document clearly shows the hierarchy:

I need to add new sub layers. Can someone help me ? 

I would also very much like the answer to this

Hi John and Connor I've taken a closer look and this behavior is in fact accidental - Lucidchart doesn't explicitly support layers within layers and I unfortunately am unable to provide you with a recommendation of how to recreate this. I apologize for the confusion and for any inconvenience this causes you. 

However I do have a recommendation for how you can achieve something very similar if the ability to hide and show multiple layers simultaneously is important to you. I recommend utilizing a hotspot - a shape or text to which you can assign an action such as opening or closing a layer. You can set exactly which layers you would like to show and hide when clicking on it and perhaps even utilize this functionality to create different views of your document. For more information on how to construct these hotspots please take a look at this Actions (Links) and Hotspots article from our Help Center and let me know if you have any additional questions. 
