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Try as I might, when I upload my CSV as per instructions, nothing happens.

I have compared my csv with the one provided as exemple, and I see no difference, even using Visual Studio Code.
I would really like to learn how to properly use this function, so any help on solving the matter would be appreciated.
I do not know how to share my CSV, so here is the code below :

Id,Name,Shape Library,Page ID,Contained By,Line Source,Line Destination,Source Arrow,Destination Arrow,Text Area 1,Text Area 2,Text Area 3
1,Page,,,,,,,,Page 1,,
2,Swim Lane,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Zephyr support,,
3,Terminator,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,"Problème identifié avec l'application ""Agenda""",,
4,Decision,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Identifier le Type de Problème,,
5,Decision,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Incident,,
6,Decision,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Bug,,
7,Decision,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Utilisation du logiciel,,
8,Decision,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Demande de changement,,
9,Process,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Déterminer la nature de l'incident,,
10,Process,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Réseau (Ligne 1 ? Exploitation ? Support ETNIC),,
11,Process,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Matériel (Ligne 1 ? Échange matériel),,
12,Process,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Logiciel (Ligne 1 ? Tiers),,
13,Process,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Zéphyr (Ligne 1 ? Support ETNIC),,
14,Process,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Suivi et correction des bugs,,
15,Process,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Ligne 1 ? Ligne 2 ? Support ETNIC,,
16,Process,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Commencer par la documentation d'auto-assistance,,
17,Process,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Demander de l'aide à des collègues/Ambassadeurs,,
18,Process,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Formation par des formateurs,,
19,Process,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Contacter le référent métier,,
20,Process,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,Gestion de la Demande de Changement,,
21,Terminator,Flowchart Shapes,1,,,,,,La ligne de support appropriée est contactée et le problème est pris en charge,,


Thanks a lot for your help

Hey @gilles -- thanks for posting! Would you care to share a screenshot of what you are seeing on your end? 

as the title says : nothing. i upload the csv from the “import data” → “process diagram” → csv.
When i choose the file and click on ‘import’, literally nothing happens.
i go back to the blank page of my diagram.

I have tried to upload the exemple provided, and when I do i see a small diagram appear.
So the functionality works on my end. it just doesn’t with my file.
And i do not understand why

Hey @gilles -- thanks for the reply! I would recommend creating the diagram you’d like then download that as a CSV file. Check through the file and compare it to the CSV you’ve created to determine what exactly the differences are and what could be causing this discrepancy. 

Hope this helps -- let us know if this doesn’t work for you or if you have any other questions! 

No, sadly, your answer doesn’t help me.
because doing it manually will not yield the same result, since i’m not familiar with the lucidchart tools.

furthermore, i wouldn’t understand why my initial csv doesn’t work.

the whole point is to understand how to make a CSV into a chart, not to make a chart into a CSV.
I already have the csv provided as exemple for comparison.
but even with it, my CSV doesn’t yield any result, not even an error message, despite doing my best to respect the format.
So i do not understand what is wrong. 


I would really appreciate if you could patch my data into a csv, and try to upload it into lucidchart.
if it works, at all, then i’d like to know why it doesn’t work for me.
and if it doesn’t, i’d really appreciate help into understanding what needs to be changed for it to work.


The process in our company is that the person writing the process isn’t the person making the chart, as they don’t have the necessary skills (just as I don’t).
So i need the person that writes the processes to be able to properly write those CSV, so that they can be properly rendered into charts using lucidcharts, then get potentially corrected if needed.


Thank you very much for your help, i’m looking forward to it.

Have a great day

Hey @gilles -- thanks for the reply and this makes sense! Would you mind to clarify what program you are using to download your CSV? For example, are you using Google Sheets and downloading your file as a CSV? 

i am using excel

Great! So, there is a way to attach the CSV or, even better, the Excel file to this thread. You’ll just need to click the paper clip on the toolbar. Would you mind to send me the Excel and CSV files so I can take a look? 

i am sorry, but there is no paper clip on my toolbar.
maybe it’s an option for you as a support team member ?

Anyways, in my initial post, i copy pasted the CSV content.
If you copy it and save it in excel, you’ll have the same CSV as mine.

If I am missing the obvious way to share, please enlighten me.



Hmm, okay no worries @gilles -- I’m going to convert this post into a ticket so we can get a bit more information and help you out! 
