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i have a flow chart that was shared to me created on Lucid Chart. I need to convert into a PDF and slide show and print. my first attempts i have the entire board on a single page for printing or in a PDF. The slide show option is intersting too. have not figured that out yet. Maybe each board needs to be in a frame? I'm reading the help & training. If anyone can push me up the learning curve I would be grateful.  In the  PDF option  it is parsing text on each page and give me 40 pages instead of 10 .   I'm not sure these each document on the board is in a frame ?   could that be the problem.    i tried print and  I get the entire board the size of a postage stamp on a single sheet.   if i  try to convert to PDF i get 40 pages.     Can i easily convert to slides?  It seemed if I drug the  text block into a slide template it would be gone from the board.  .  i'm sure this is totally user error.     Thank you 

Hi Frederick

Thank you for posting in the community! We are happy to help!

For starters I think you might find our Create a Presentation in Lucid Help Center article useful! This helpful resource will guide you on how to create a Presentation in Lucid and export it as a PDF or even in Google Slides (More details on our Google Slides add-on)

If the issue persists please submit a support ticket at Thank You! :)

