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AWS has updated their shapes and colors for 2022. Is there an ETA on when these will be available in Lucidchart?

If you go here:

There is a new powerpoint deck available that was released on 1/31/2022 called "AWS Architecture Icons"

Hi Seth thanks for posting in the community! While I cannot provide an exact ETA I can confirm that our product team plans to update the AWS icons for both Lucidchart and Lucidscale this year. In the meantime you can import icons or copy/paste them into your documents. Hope this helps!

It is now nearly 2023. When will these be available to import?

Hi @rob p102 thanks for continuing this thread. I checked with our product team and they confirmed that they released an updated icon set this year labeled as AWS 2021 (the year of the style change). You should be able to find these icons by clicking the "+Shape Library" button found in the shape menu. 


Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions. I hope this helps! 

I can't seem to find an EC2 'm7g' instance shape. Are there new shapes from AWS that are needed by LucidChart?

Hey Adam

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! As Abigail mentioned above if there are shapes you cannot find within our library you can import icons or copy/paste them into your documents.

Hope this helps -- feel free to let me know if you have any other questions! 

Importing all of the AWS 2023 shapes one by one would be a huge undertaking for me that would also not benefit anyone else. When does LucidChart plan to add the new shapes library for AWS please?

Hi Adam

We do not have definitive plans to add the 2023 AWS shapes at this point. If you’d like to add your ideas or use case for this feature, please check out this idea in product feedback: 

