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Arrow Length Value Display

  • 26 July 2024
  • 3 replies

Is it possible to display the Arrow Lenght in m/cm on a floor plan? 

It would be perfect for warehouse layout analysis

However I found formulas only to show Endpoints


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Leop 

Lucidchart doesn’t have built-in formulas for calculating and displaying the length directly on the line itself, but you can approximate this by using custom data and text labels.

If your floor plan is to scale, you can add a text label that includes the formula for converting the length of the line on the diagram to real-world measurements. For example, if 1 cm on the diagram equals 1 meter in real life, you can calculate and display the length accordingly.

Badge +1

Hi @Ria S thank you for the answer,

It is exactly to avoid manual calculation of arrows from base to tip that I need something automatic… I know I can have wall measurement in a floor plan, however it would suit better my aim to have it on arrows, as I need to calculate multiple Path-Length on my floor plan. Something SmartDraw does for example, I wondered if Lucid had it as well.

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Hi @Leop

What you are looking for is the “Scale” shape, located in the Measurement shape library. As you adjust the scale tool from the previous section, this shape automatically adjusts accordingly.

Feel free to review our Floor plan Tool article from the Lucid Help Center, and let me know if you have any questions about the set up or intended functionality.

Hope this helps! 

Cheers :) 
