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I have a diagram that display Datacenter layout, Cage, Rack and each rack , which in my case is 42 Unit. 

and i have googlesheet with my inventory , which also have pretty much the same information( Cage name, Rack name  and Unit no(1-42). 
I am able to link lucid chart to googlesheet and also link the each server that belongs to each rack/Unit. But this is manual and very tedious.

I am looking for automation , where the lucid chart should be smart enough to find what are the servers that’s in the googlesheet, and update/modify/add the charts with the cage/ rack and unit information on its own.

Hi Sushil, thanks for this question. To clarify, are you saying that you currently have a visualization of your data center already built out with server shapes on your canvas, and your current workflow is to associate individual rows of data from your linked Google sheet with each rack/unit? If so, can you please describe the specific steps you’re taking to do so? 
