
Confluende plugin showing duplicated text in rich viewer

  • 4 January 2024
  • 4 replies

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Lucidchart above and confluence rich viewer below




The same for me. Could you please check?

Badge +1

Still happens to some elements. When it happens I need to delete the element and undo the delete to remove the duplication of text. These bugs can be difficult to notice in lager diagrams and I have users notifying me.


I have the same issue too - really annoying


Userlevel 4
Badge +6
Hi there! Thanks for posting! A couple points we can start to look into: 1. What browser are you using? Have you tried this on an additional browser or using an incognito or private window? 2. What version of the plug-in are you using? 3. Is this happening with all of your inserted diagrams?
