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I'm considering linking / integrating our LucidChart into our Asana software. I read all your info on integration but what I don't seem to see is if this will give everyone access to change my LucidChart document. I definitely don't want to lose control of the document - we want limited access to change it - but I'd like our community within Asana to be able to access it and possibly print it.

Can someone help here?

Thank you Cindy

Got it.

You can add collaborators to a Lucidspark board and assign these collaborators different permissions. Collaborators assigned "View" permissions are not able to edit the document. So if a card is present on the canvas (whether it was added via the Lucid Cards for Asana integration or via a custom cards integration built on our cards framework) a user only with "view" permissions would NOT be able to edit the card. Only users with "edit" or "edit and share" permissions would be able to edit the card.

However users with "view" permissions are able to print boards.

There is one caveat. Our Lucid Cards for Asana integration allows for bi-directional sync between Asana tasks and the corresponding Lucidspark cards. A user with view permissions on a Lucidspark board will not be able to edit the card in Lucidspark. However if that user edits the task in Asana then that edit will propagate to the corresponding Lucidspark card.

Does this answer your question?

Hi Ian

I'm not sure which direction that's one of the parts that is confusing me so I don't have an answer to that question. More importantly I want to be sure if I do work thru the integration no one else will have access to change the document other than the few of us currently with permission to do so.

Thank you Cindy


Hi clund!

I just want to make sure I am understanding your question. Are you looking to use our existing Asana <> Lucidchart integration? Or are you looking to build a custom Lucidchart to Asana integration? I assume the former but wanted to double check before answering.



