💬 Fun Friday 4/12/24: Did you watch this year’s solar eclipse? If so, what was it like? If not, tell us your Zodiac sign.

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FUN FRIDAY: Did you watch this year’s solar eclipse? If so, what was it like? If not, tell us your Zodiac sign.

According to various beliefs, solar eclipses can influence different aspects of life. Which area resonates most with you?


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I stayed in the DC area, so I didn’t get a chance to experience totality. My sister and her family took a trip from California to Cleveland to experience it, and I look forward to hearing about the experience through my nieces’ eyes when they finish their travels.

Zodiac sign: Virgo. For better and for worse, I fit the description… #PerfectionistProblems

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I missed it ...I did however, see photos of the eclipse and they were absolutely incredible 

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I was in San Diego while the eclipse occurred, and from where I was, you couldn’t see anything. However, the temperature did drop about 10 degrees as the eclipse was happening! 

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I was able to see a partial eclipse. There is such an ethereal feeling when it happens - like there is a filter, and everything is a bit off. The shadows become crescents, and all feels a bit off. This is the third partial we’ve had from my home in the last 7 years. Each time, it is worth taking a break to step outside and experience as much of it as possible. 



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It wasn’t necessarily the greatest level of coverage (~40%) in Miami, Florida, but I still went outside at the “peak” moment and tried to see some difference in appearance. There was some, but only really noticeable with a camera rather than in a shadow or something of the like.

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We did not have full view of the eclipse in Minnesota, and to make it worse it was cloudy so whatever was there was not visible to me unfortunately. 

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I stayed in the DC area, so I didn’t get a chance to experience totality. My sister and her family took a trip from California to Cleveland to experience it, and I look forward to hearing about the experience through my nieces’ eyes when they finish their travels.

Zodiac sign: Virgo. For better and for worse, I fit the description… #PerfectionistProblems


My husband is a Virgo Moon and his birth chart shows 4 Virgo placements, so he is heavy in Virgo energy. To say you’re a perfectionist is an understatement. His mind never stops analyzing every possibility of a situation. Every outcome, every detail is combed over. He’s brilliant and I’m sure you are, too. The Virgo mind never sleeps!

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Sadly no solar eclipse for us here in the UK. However, I have family in various parts of America who managed to experience it and said it blew their mind. I’ve never been big into astrology, but despite my name, I’m actually a Sagittarius!

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I did not watch it as I got to see it when it came around Utah in 2017. Also flights to Texas were $1600, so I flew out the day after for only $100!

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I do believe that eclipses of all kinds (solar, lunar) affect us so i wont watch it, no waaaay. ;)))

I really believe in astrology cuz I’m a Sagittarius, the most friendly and active zodiac sign.

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I do believe that eclipses of all kinds (solar, lunar) affect us so i wont watch it, no waaaay. ;)))

I really believe in astrology cuz I’m a Sagittarius, the most friendly and active zodiac sign.

Love it, @xenia cubrac! My mom was a Sagittarius and she could easily capture the attention of any room. Her energy was authentic and infectious, and people were always drawn to her because they could tell how much she cared about them. It was totally effortless, too. She wasn’t trying to manipulate and gain favor, she was just that friendly.

As a Capricorn Sun/Scorpio Moon, I’m literally the opposite of this and most likely repel people with my unapproachability and aloofness.


It wasn’t necessarily the greatest level of coverage (~40%) in Miami, Florida, but I still went outside at the “peak” moment and tried to see some difference in appearance. There was some, but only really noticeable with a camera rather than in a shadow or something of the like.
